Sunday, May 31, 2020

The End of my Mission - April 29, 2020

Today, I talked with my Stake President and after weeks of praying and decision making, I decided not to go back out in the field to Serve a Mission. It wasn't an easy decision, but one I feel is the best for me right now. Their is so much going on in the World and my answer for me right now was to stay at home.
I loved my 6 months of Serving and will miss it. But, being with my family right now I know is the best thing for me.

Officially Released as a Missionary - April 1, 2020

Today I was Officially released as a Full-time Missionary. It was a sad day, some tears were shed. The church also announced that decisions would not be made to return to the field until April 30th. Now I wait to see what is next and where I would be reassigned.