Monday, December 30, 2019

Email #11 - End of 2019 - Hike


Hey everyone!! Happy New Years!!

I hope everyone is doing awesome, sorry about last week's email being so short. Had a lot to do. This week, I am going to jump a few days.

[Monday - December 23, 2019 - Day 69]

Got woken up in the middle of the night from Elder Bybee tampering with my fan. I guess it was making too much noise. We got up and went to the church to play Basketball for exercise. I think my iPen 6 is about to die. Today, we had exchanges and I think it went really well. Got paired up with Elder Mcnamee and I took him to Batangas II and Housing. Took a bus to Mariveles for a dinner appointment. I tried Tofu for the first time, Its okay if you drench it in soy sauce. The family gifted me a new bag, very sweet of them. Slept at another Elder's place in Mariveles so that we would be close to District Council tomorrow.

[Tuesday - December 24, 2019 - Day 70]

I slept okay, got up and watched the Elders play Basketball. All the bakeries are closed for the holidays. Merry Christmas Eve by the way!! Ate at this restaurant, forgot what it was called but they charge you more if you don't finish your rice. Kind of crazy. Elder Mcnamee showed me this amazing talk called "Safety or the soul" by Jeffery R. Holland and I recommend anyone to listen to it. My iPen 6 finally died, they pretty much last as long as an actually Apple product.

[Wednesday - December 25, 2019 - Day 71]

My Pday was actually today, Mission President changed the Pday to today because of Christmas, thought it was nice. We woke up early to open our gifts from our parents. Got a lot of good stuff, I got some scripture markers, stapler, a pillowcase that says "I love my missionary", I love you too. I also got pencils, sticky notes, mints, Twix which is my favorite candy bar. Christmas socks, and a pillow. Went to this computer shop called "Ground Zero". It was an interesting experience. Most of the computers have major issues. For the rest of the day, we pretty much had appointments with members and ate a lot of food. Towards the evening, I got my first haircut out in the field. We were about to head home when it started to rain hard and I got drenched. I bought myself a speaker and some Lemon Royal (A really good soda here in the Philippines, compare it to orange crush) for my Kabahay for the gift exchange. My Kabahay gave me a bag of fake bugs, thought it was funny.

[Thursday - December 26, 2019 - Day 72]

We had a service project today, we worked at a charcoal farm. Not sure what to really call it. We mostly just picked up charcoal and fill up bags so that they could sell them. Took some pictures with a puppy, baby chick, and a duck. Went to this place called Alion for work. I still don't really like that place. Kind of an interesting story, so me and Elder Bybee were teaching this lady that we found and I got to start bare my testimony when she stops me. She looks over to Elder Bybee and says "Wala Inges" (Pretty much means, no English). The funny part was that I was speaking Tagalog. I'm honestly not sure if I was just mispronouncing words or what but afterwards, me and Elder Bybee started laughing about it.  

[Friday - December 27, 2019 - Day 73]

Today, we did exchanges with the Zone Leaders. Had my first Filipino companion (Elder Insik) and it was fun testing out my Tagalog skills. I am still terrible at it haha. We went to the store and picked up some supplies to cook lunch with. Cooked chicken adobo. It started pouring again but this time with lightning and thunder. It was really awesome to hear.

[Saturday - December 28, 2019 - Day 74]

Slept with the aircon, it was so cold and nice haha. We got up and got ready to go to Limay so I could pick up Elder Bybee. After that, we went to Jollibee's for breakfast. I got their pancakes and honestly, they were way good. 10/10 would have them again. Went to a ton a places for work today. First stopped by Housing, then traveled through this town called Mendoza. then to this other place called Hardened where we met a bunch of kids. They followed us the entire time until we left Hardened. Our last destination was Capital. Kind of a busy day. 

[Sunday - December 29, 2019 - Day 75]

Church today was good, got to pass the sacrament. They held a mini Primary program and the children sung all these different songs. The funny part was that their microphone speaker system was broken so all the words sounded like they were behind a closed door. Not much to talk about today but I got some pictures.


Thank you for reading my email, I love you all. Please take care and I'll update you all next week.

Service project in the area. Helped shovel Charcoal into bags

Us with members having lunch at their Beach house

When we were doing our service project, their were a lot of animals around.
This puppy being my favorite! Two of the cutest things ever... from Mom :)

Me and my Companion with the people we were helping with the Charcoal.
The bird crawling down Patrick's back.

Bird on the shoulder and holding a duck...

Filipino companion for the day during transfers.. 

The neighborhood they were walking around in..

The kids that followed them around all day as they went around to there 

A few members in the Ward they are in..

Patrick said this is the shortest Filipino yet he has met.
He is also Patrick's age, 19... 

Patrick got to go on a hike on his p-day to a place called 5 fingers.
The lady with them is a member that went with all the Missionaries as a 
tour guide. They went near sunset since that was the best time to see it and I would
say so! What a beautiful place and site to see.. I'm sure the pictures don't even do it
justice. I'm thankful for the Sister member that went with them and took these pictures
and shared them with us.. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Email #10... Christmas Day!


I just want to update that I am doing great out here. I have so many experiences I want to share but unfortunately won't be able to share them at the moment. I am going to post the pictures of the week though. I miss and love  all of you and I hope everyone is doing awesome, especially for Christmas. Please take care and I'll update you next week.

                        Talking to Patrick Christmas Eve. Christmas Day for him.

First cockroach in his place.

Crab they found on the beach. And yes they bite..

The kids in Patrick's ward. This was their Ward party.

View from a trail they were on to do visits.

A bamboo bridge they had to cross...

Rice fields

A buddha statue he saw at restaurant in town 

Coming home from a conference and all his companions fell asleep.

The locals that stop him and want to take a picture because he is so tall.

The little kids that love them because they are tall and white..

Members that have them over for a visit or dinner.

A car sign that made him think of his Dad. He is from Youngstown Ohio.

The big Roosters their. All animals roam free..

A dam that they crossed on their way to a visit

A member and her '18th' birthday..

Patrick, his companions and their little Christmas tree..

Monday, December 16, 2019

Email #9.. Serving in the Field



Kumusta po kayo everyone! This week has been pretty eventful so I'm going to try to get through everything this time. Sorry about last time not being able to finish December 7th and December 8th entries. Ran out of time at the computer shop.

[Saturday, December 7, 2019 - Day 53]

Today we went and explored Batangas Dos. Met a lot of good people and took several pictures with people we taught. I'm getting better at understanding people. Bought some hot Pandasal which is a type of breakfast bread. It is honestly one of my favorite things here. Speaking of food, the bananas are amazing here. A person we were teaching gave us a few to have. A member we visited gave us an entire watermelon. I also learned how to do laundry, it's kind of interesting how it works. One side of the machine, you fill up with water and soap, and the other side is the "dryer". All it does it spin the water out of the clothing. Rinse and repeat a couple of times and now you got clean clothes. 

[Sunday, December 8, 2019 - Day 54]

My companion made pancakes, thought it was super nice of him. This shower takes the award for being the coldest but I powered through it. I was shaving and I accidentally cut myself, honestly the worst day to do that. We hurried over to the church and got there just in time and one of the first things they had us do is pass the sacrament since there wasn't enough priesthood holders. It was neat but kind of winged it since the setup was a little strange. It was fast Sunday so they called the new missionaries to bare their testimony and I can say that I confidently bore my testimony in hardcore taglish (English with Tagalog). It was also pretty funny cause the pulpit was tiny. Had to bend over to speak into the microphone, I just hope that the audience got what I said.

Afterwards, Elder Bybee took me on a little tour of the church. Churches here are way simpler than they are back home. We attended priesthood meeting and it was a little difficult trying to understand what they were talking about. After church, we stood around waiting for a meeting that doesn't exist to start. Once we realized that, we went home to do our studies and to pack up for the next few days. We have follow up training on Wednesday in Olongapo. But before that, we have to go on exchanges. So since Elder Bybee is the District Leader. He has to go around and visit the other Elder's in the district and teach with them.

[Monday, December 9, 2019 - Day 55]

Almost got shanked today! I'll get to it in a bit. We got up early to get to the computer shop and this place is actually really nice. They got like 40 gaming computers and some really nice headphones. Talked to my parents for the first time in the field and it was so nice talking to them and hearing about what is happening back at home. We were there for about 6 1/2 hours and it only cost me 105 pesos. Roughly $2.00. Afterwards, we ate at this restaurant called Blue Plate then we went on exchanges. So I was paired up with Elder Rienhardt and it was a lot of fun. He bought me this drink that has jello chunks in it. It was really weird. Found and taught a new person and when we got done, it was dark. We walked down into this beach basketball court and this man starts following us. I was totally oblivious while Elder Rienhardt knew what was up. He had a run in with this man before and I guess this person hates Americans. Elder Rienhardt told me to stop and to walk back with him and we quickly walked back up the stairs with this guy following us and fortunately made it to safety. If it weren't for Elder Rienhardt, I'm not entirely sure what I would be doing right now. 

[Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - Day 56]

Had a difficult night, it actually got cold with all the fans. Went to my first District Council. We waited outside the church for a while, some Elder's had to go pick up the keys from the Bishop. During District Council, this brother got up and left but then came back with a wild bird. I don't know how he got it but I was able to hold it. After the meeting, he let it go. Got a few pictures with the district. Ate at this restaurant called Billy's Grill and it was pretty good. Got some chicken sisig. (chicken, onions, and eggs, over rice.) Packed up all my stuff and took a travel bus to Olongapo. It was a rough three hours. Almost thought I was going to lose my lunch, the bus driver was constantly stopping and going. 

Finally got to Olongapo and stopped at a Mcdonalds. Honestly some of the best food I've had, it reminded me so much of home. Crashed at the Zone Leaders house.

[Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - Day 57]

Honestly did not want to get up this morning. We have training at the church today and had a little time before it started so since we were so close the mall, me and my companion decided to try and pick up a webcam for me. Unfortunately the mall wasn't open. Went to the follow up training meeting and had pizza, and learned more about Olongapo. Afterwards, we took some pictures and said our goodbyes. Took a bus to the mall and got my webcam. On the way there, there were these statues of the Avengers. Unfortunately I couldn't take pictures. Got my webcam and while we were walking out, stopped and watched the Star Wars Episode 9 trailer.

[Thursday, December 12, 2019 - Day 58]

We woke up and immediately started to clean our house for the inspectors coming later today. Since I'm tall, they had me cleaning all the cobwebs and of course there was this good sized spider and all I had to attack it with was this messed up, burnt, broom. The inspectors came and gave us A's so that was good. Me and my companion decided we wanted to take a hike up to this town called Alion. It was a really beautiful hike, lots of vegetation and animals. We found this plant with the leaves that fold up when touched, I actually got a video of it. Saw some really neat sights. Alion has a weird vibe to it. I don't think the people there like us that much.

[Friday, December 13, 2019 - Day 59]

We got up to go clean the church, it was actually a lot of fun. We were told to trim the palm trees with our bare hands and this one leaf didn't want to break so me and my companion used it as a swing. Eventually one of our house mates got it down. I bought the ipen 6 and honestly it's a really nice pen haha. Only cost me 15 pesos. Went to housing and we were going to a member's house and we saw this really low rider jeep and it reminded my companion, Elder Bybee about this story. His dad doesn't really like Corvettes and I guess one time, his brother brought home one and his dad was like "Why would you buy one of those!? They're so low, they could high centered on horse turd.". I don't know, it was really funny to me. 

Ate a few different things today. This shop had some really good doughnuts. I got to try fried pork liver, honestly wasn't that bad. We were teaching the same guy that gave us the bananas but this time, he gave us deep fried bananas. I'm not sure if we got that in America but if it isn't a thing yet over there. Ya'll missing out. I would like to share a scripture I came across during personal study.

Jacob 2: 17-19 
"17 Think of your brethren like unto yourselves, and be familiar with all and free with your substance, that they may be rich like unto you."
"18 But before you seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God."
"19 And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good -- to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted."

[Saturday, December 14, 2019 - Day 60]

Played early morning Basketball today at the church. Got told that I am famous here, not sure what that guy meant but people seem to like me here. Ate this type of soup called Lomi, I'm not even sure if it's a soup. It's like these thick noodles mixed in with something along the lines of egg drop soup. It's also really spicy but I guess it's a really popular breakfast food here. We went teaching with a member from the ward and we came up to a house we have just recently started teaching. During the lesson, we brought up the Book of Mormon and how it is another record of Jesus Christ ministry on the earth. She stopped us and asked us if she could have one of those. Honestly it made us feel great and a neat spiritual moment.

[Sunday, December 15, 2019 - Day 61]

Not a lot happened today but I found this scripture.

2 Nephi 21:12
"12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth."

You can relate this to missionary work.


Thank you for reading this weeks update. I hope everyone is doing awesome and talk to you next time.